PBASC adheres to the principles of WAVEPOWER which is the Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures manual.
The aim of WAVEPOWER 2024 is to safeguard children and young people in line with current legislation and guidance.
The policy guides everyone in our sport to play their part in safeguarding children by offering practical guidance for those who are directly involved in working with children by providing awareness of both mandatory requirements and good practice guidance.
The responsibility to safeguard children in our club and related activities lies with all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at club, county or national level.
Be Safe and Enjoy your sport
When you take part in your sport, we want you to feel that:
- It is fun
- You are listened to
- Your development is supported
- You feel respected
- People are there for you
- Your club is friendly and inclusive
You need to be safe. Talk to someone who can help
Club Welfare Officers:
The safety of our members is paramount. Should you have any concerns or queries about Club welfare or safeguarding please get in touch with one of our welfare officers, contact details below, who deal with all issues with complete confidentiality.
Sue Copley - welfareofficer@pottersbarsynchro.co.uk
Victoria Jones - welfareofficer@pottersbarsynchro.co.uk
County and Regional Welfare Officers:
Hertfordshire - welfare@swimherts.org
East Region - eastwelfare@swimming.org
Childline - 0800 1111
Calls are free of charge
24 hours 7 days a week
But what if something is wrong?
What if someone else's behaviour is making you feel...