PBASC trains at Furzefield Leisure Centre in Potters Bar, although swimmers may be asked to attend additional sessions at other pools in the lead up to competitions and gradings.
Furzefield Leisure Centre
Mutton Lane
Potters Bar
Currently, PBASC members train on a Saturday, and either Monday or Tuesday depending upon their ability and age, at Furzefield Leisure Centre in Potters Bar.
Saturday 1:45-5 pm - 45 minutes land training & 2.5 hours pool training.
Monday 7-9 pm - 1 hour land training & 1 hour pool training.
Tuesday 6-8 pm - 1 hour land training & 1 hour pool training.
We encourage and coach all of our swimmers to progress through the Swim England Artistic Swimming Grades to aid their personal development and increase their skills in the sport. This also prepares them for competitions.
Essential Kit
Club swim hat*
Nose clips*
Black shorts or leggings
Yoga style floor mat
Balance bottle
*Available to purchase from the club
Other optional PBASC items can be purchased
Grading / Competition kit
Plain black costume
Plain white hat